Monday, March 18, 2013

The WHY Question

The question I get asked most often is, "Why?"  Why am I vegan?  Why did I not only put myself through this "drastic" transformation, but why did I bring my whole family along in this journey?

I think a lot of people assume it's because I sympathize with the poor animals and how they are mistreated.  I've watched Vegucated.  I've watched other documentaries that have shown the horrific conditions that cows, pigs, and chickens are forced to endure.  I get why this is such a compelling argument for vegans.

I, however, am not vegan because I care about how animals are treated.  I do care, to some extent.  I see them as animals, and while they do not deserve a cruelty filled life - they are animals.  I am vegan because consuming animal products leads to various diseases and ailments.  I'm talking about things like heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, cancer...yep...all that garbage.  That's why I'm vegan - that's why my kids are vegan - that's why my carnivore husband has become vegan.

If you haven't, I highly suggest watching Forks Over Knives - a documentary that can be found on Netflix.  It was pretty informational.  I enjoyed it.  One of the best things that came out of it was this guy:   T. Collin Campbell, Phd.  This is a 45 minute long video, but it is worth it.  The evidence that animal products cause many health problems is abundant.

I have done a lot of research - starting years ago.  I made changes, line upon line.  The more I have learned, the more foods I've had to cut out.  Veganism was the natural next step.  I had cut out all red meat years ago, but I still kept that turkey and chicken around, and I most certainly loved that cheese, yogurt, and milk.  But after months of research on animal products, I basically had no choice but to go vegan.

While I am happy that Chicken Little, Mary Moo Cow, and Babe the Pig are not going to end up on my dinner table - I realize that my not buying meat doesn't solve that problem.  I cannot change many things outside of my sphere of influence; however, I can change my family's health future.  I can give my kids a fighting chance at not being overweight, diabetic or having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, or cancer.  I can also maybe help my husband live longer.  My biggest fear is being a widow with 5 young children.  I don't know what I would do without my husband, and I don't know what he would do without me.  So, all that to say...I do it for myself, my husband, and my kids.  What better reasons than that?

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